PLD Mentoring Software Reviews & Testimonials

See mentoring software reviews from real mentors, mentees and project managers

It's important to read real reviews from people who have experienced mentoring software in action. PLD's mentoring software clients have left many reviews, including from the point of view of mentoring platform managers, mentors and mentees.

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Video Reviews

Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce

One of our clients has been kind enough to send a video review of our mentoring software platform, so you can hear in their own words, how the mentoring platform works for them.

Mentoring Programme Client Reviews

Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce

We chose to invest in this platform as it allows the mentoring process to be automated ensuring the reach of our mentoring programme is maximised for benefit of the Ayrshire business community.

The user experience for both mentee and mentor has been enhanced allowing them to access a variety of resources that add value and support their mentoring journey.

The platform and the support we receive from PLD is invaluable and enhances our membership offering.

Claire Baird Chief Executive
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Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT)

The platform provides a cost-effective external one-stop shop web-based platform to assist with career development, guidance and support as well as mentoring for our members and affiliates. It manages itself so enables optimum outputs with our limited resources as a Not-for-Profit organisation as is a promotional tool used to demonstrate our value proposition.

PLD provide support, guidance and updates, which means this initiative runs itself in most instances.

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Vision Action remote mentoring programme

...PLD are always happy to tweak our platform and are on hand to provide support. They are definitely proactive, providing great communication and support.

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alta / Royal Aeronautical Society

Working with PLD on the alta platform is overall a very positive experience. The team is incredibly supportive and provide some amazing guidance. As well as this PLD have consistently gone above and beyond to meet deadlines when making changes and updates to the alta platform. This amount of support has been integral to allowing us to build such a successful mentoring platform.

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Innovate Communities - Inspire Mentoring

After a lot of research we felt they (PLD) offered the best value for money and after meeting with them we were impressed with the approach to working with us.
...the team are very responsive and open to suggestions. During the building phase they supported us every step of the way to getting the platform live.

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East London NHS Foundation Trust

The platform is very user-friendly for both end users and administrators and has many features and useful reporting dashboards. This allows the organisation to report on the uptake, usage and satisfaction with programmes via evaluation surveys. It is also very interactive and has educational text and video resources which users find very helpful. There is also a flow chart for the process of mentoring and coaching available which explains the process start to end and the platform helps users to navigate through their sessions suggesting helpful models and hints & tips through all stages of the mentoring/coaching relationship. It is just great that the platform can be fully-customised upon the organisation's needs - this is both in terms of the set up and visual appearance. It allows for a variety of programmes such as mentoring, coaching and reverse mentoring also.

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NHS Clinical Entrepreneur Programme delivered by Anglia Ruskin University

The PLD team provided an excellent service, and we have been able to develop and adapt the platform to our needs which was essential.

The feedback from our users has been positive.

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Institute of Occupational Safety and Health

Easy to use, practical, and well received software...

The PLD mentoring platform has revolutionised the way our members can interact with each other and form meaningful mentoring relationships. The way users can match with each other based on their skills takes any guesswork out of the process, and results in better, more fruitful relationships.

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Royal College of Midwives

We could not have asked for a better service from PLD. They were very responsive to our specific platform needs and available to talk to for help and support when needed. Regular check ins from them were also very useful and they have helped to make sure our mentoring platform is successful. After the implementation, regular contact has been maintained, which has led to further refinements and tweaks to improve user experience even further.

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Beazley Group

We could not have asked for a better service from PLD. They were very responsive to our specific platform needs and available to talk to for help and support when needed. Regular check ins from them were also very useful and they have helped to make sure our mentoring platform is successful. After the implementation, regular contact has been maintained, which has led to further refinements and tweaks to improve user experience even further.

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Barts Health NHS Trust - Health Care Horizons

The platform has helped us mentor young people from local schools who are considering a career within the health sector. It links young people to professionals from different backgrounds and help them make more informed choices about their future career. The feedback from both students and mentors have been great so far.

I really like the fact that we were able to develop a bespoke platform that meets the project needs. Very easy development and implementation stage with lots of support from the development team from start to finish. Great customer service; always willing to cater for individual needs, professional and speedy response rate.
The platform is very user-friendly and the reporting functionality is also helpful. Great product.

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Ascential plc

Our experience working with PLD has been seamless. PLD are extremely responsive and adept at customising the platform to fit our needs.

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Royal Academy of Engineering

The platform and the support we receive from PLD is invaluable and enhances our membership offering.

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Institute of Chartered Accoutants of Scotland (ICAS)

The platform is very dyanmic and user-friendly and we love how we can track results and performance on a daily/weekly basis to see how our marketing activities are preforming in helping to drive mentoring engagement. PLD is always helpful and responsive with any queries we have, and is quick to respond and offer support.

Since launching the ICAS Mentoring programme with PLD, we've seen continuous growth in registrations with both mentors and mentees and collated positive feedback from our members' mentoring experience.

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Salvation Army Coaching

PLD has enabled the L&D team to promote, deliver and track the effectiveness of our Coaching programme across the organisation. The platform itself is intuitive and user-friendly and the team are incredibly helpful - responding quickly to questions and always being willing to help.

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Mentor and Mentee Reviews

I found the process easy to navigate. I would highly recommend the mentor service. This was an amazing resource for me!

Mentee Feedback
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My experience was excellent... It was easy to navigate and clear. I found a mentor very easily. I had an excellent mentor experience as well, my mentor was exactly what I wanted and I really got loads out of it. I would recommend everyone at least have a look at the mentor marketplace and think about signing up as it's so valuable.

Mentee Feedback
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Great platform great scheme

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99% of mentors said they would recommend mentoring to colleagues

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The platform is easy to use, provides an excellent guided experience for both parties.

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This is a really easy-to-use platform, the possibility of choosing your mentor in a selected pool of matches is great, thanks for this great opportunity!

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I really don't have any points to input to improve it. I thinks it's just fantastic.

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It is a great tool and very well structured

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I have found this mentorship programme extremely beneficial and helpful to professional and personal development.

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As a result of my mentoring experience, I will now encourage colleagues to find mentors to improve on areas of challenge.

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It has helped me to improve my daily work with my patients

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Mentoring gave me confidence to use new of different techniques and helped me revise what I had previously learnt.

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I feel the Mentoring Programme is excellent. Engagement from all stakeholders is fantastic and it is an excellent professional approach to providing training and mentoring to Mentees, who would otherwise not be able to avail of this.

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It was a fantastic experience and wish I had considered it sooner.

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I like the platform, and thought the match was good.

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I very much enjoyed the mentorship programme. I found it easy to connect with my mentor who helped me make strategic decisions and enhanced my career prospects.

Mentee Feedback
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I am very glad to have used the mentoring programme!

Mentee Feedback
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